Terms & Conditions
Monthly packages include hosting per month, if you choose monthly package but Gericke Web Development does not have main ownership to the site then we shall not pay for this fee and this shall not make the monthly package cheaper.
Once - Off
If you pay for a once off website then you will take over the monthly hosting package cost after the site is given over.
Fast website loading time
Website will be optimised every month to keep up with its speed of up to 5 seconds on desktop and 5 seconds on mobile.
Once - Off
Website speed will be optimised up to 2 seconds on desktop and 5 seconds on mobile. If speed decreases after website is given over then this will be out of our control as the site speed was perfectly fine before handing it over. If speed of site is slow after hand over and needs a fix then this will cost an additional fee to fix any errors that were made after site hand over, as anything could have been added after full control and access was given over.
One free website redesign after 12 months
This is free only for monthly package, after/every 12 months you allowed a cap of 1 free redesign of the entire website for FREE!, If there is new things needed for the website that requires additional fee from the plugin itself then that will be included as an additional cost.
Once - Off
A redesign will be considered as a new website but for showing loyalty to our company, if you have already used us in the past for the website you need a redesign for then you will receive a 10% discount of the overall costs of the website.
Content and Context
Content and context must be supplied by the client, the developer can reject the clients requests to find content and context for them.
Once - Off
Content and context must be supplied by the client, the developer can reject the clients requests to find content and context for them.
Basic SEO will be included in all monthly packages, to increase your SEO please contact us now
Once - Off
SEO is not included in this package, if you want SEO on your website then you will need to pay an additional minimum of R500 depending on the amount of SEO needing to be done on your website.
Social Media Marketing
We do not design or develop any videos or images, all images and videos will be needed from the client.
Website Maintenance
We do not watch your website 24/7, the client will be needed to contact us at gerickewebdevelopment@gmail.com to let us know about any issues with the website and that needs to be fixed.
Once - Off
Website Maintenance for once off websites that we have worked on in the past will be charged a hourly fee of our service on their website, and we do not watch your websites to see if they are down, it will be the clients job to contact us and watch their own website